Sunday 30 March 2014

Today's government frustrations.

This morning I listened to a great interview by Chris Ulhmann (newbie radio presenter and a legendary political correspondent). He was speaking with Australia's treasurer, Joe Hockey in the lead up to Abbott's first federal budget. Cuts are eminent, just where and how big they are remains a mystery. 
Some of the issues Chris raised rang true to my theoretical understanding of the media and it's role in society. Pollies are ratbags, and holding them to account is vital in an infinite battle against corruption and spin. 
So what happened this morning? 
As usual Hockey managed to take up plenty of air-time talking about the fiscal mess labor left behind. Ok, we get it. They blew our money on social services and their taxes weren't as effective as initially thought. 
What we want to know is what the budget means for us. To the nation as well. 

CHRIS ULHMANN: Should you scrap the rebate for private health insurance?

JOE HOCKEY: I’m not, I promise you Chris, I’m not going to respond, we can go through every line item in the budget but you won’t get an answer because we’re not going to be announcing or revising policy on the run.

CHRIS ULHMANN: Sure, but aren't these conversations that the community needs to have because, as you say some areas of spending are unsustainable and those areas need to be identified and they shouldn't come as a shock to people.

My biggest frustration with current government is it's lack of rapport and consultation with the community. I'm not okay with you dropping a new surprise scheme or amendment out of the blue at a planned prime time press conference. 
Where is the conversation? Where are the ideas, the visions and the charisma that is so rare in the House of Representatives these days. 
If you can't give us that, then we would really like a simple outline of what you're doing with our nation.  

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