Thursday 15 November 2012

The story behind Bare Island

Bare Island Fort is a small, rocky island off La Perouse headland- the northern peninsular of Botany Bay. Botany Bay is the first place white man landed in search for Terra Nullius ( AKA: Great Southern Land AKA: Australia) in 1788. Captain Arthur Phillip anchored The First Fleet to the east of Bare Island and then moved on to Port Jackson, in search for warmer and more suitable waters.
Captain Cook referred to the island as ‘a small, bare island’ while exploring in 1770 and saw it as an excellent location for fortress construction.
British military advisers labelled Botany Bay as ‘the back door to Sydney’, a sly way for enemies to get to precious Sydney Harbour, which was just 14 kilometers away from La Perouse. A plan for the construction of Bare Island Fort minimized this.
Construction of Bare Island Fort was completed in 1885, at a cost of 34,000 pounds. But it became apparent that it was very poorly made, even neglected. In 1890 a Royal Commission found that the construction of the fort was dodgy. The concrete walls were said to have started falling down before construction was even completed. The Colonial Architect James Barnet was blamed for neglecting his duties by failing to oversee the construction and was shamefully banned from future government works and had to pay additional funds to the contractor.
The fort was barely used (pun intended) due to no military attack and quickly advancing technology. Just one year after federation, Bare Island was no longer part of the eastern coastline defences. In 1912 the barracks were converted into a nursing home for returned servicemen from wars in the China, Crimea and Sudan campaigns. A nice view if you ask me, but a long boardwalk to walk down if you wanted to get anywhere. It continued to be a nursing home up until 1963. The fort is currently a museum as well as being declared a historic site owned by the National Parks and Wildlife Authority. You may have also recognised this long standing boardwalk in the movie Mission Impossible 2 during the final scene were the famous motorcycle duel plays out, when Tom and Baddy tackle each other mid air as their bikes collide.
If you'd like to know more about the island or see it yourself, additional information can be found here:

Photo courtesy of Environment New South Wales

Monday 5 November 2012

Wesley Shaw: local artist and genuine kreep.

Question. What are the things that make young artist Wesley Shaw tick?
His early dreams began with sport, biology and physics.. straighty one eighty kind of shit.
To winning the Monster Children 2011 photo competition and $10,000.
I have a yarn with a close friend and ally of 6 years.


1.       Hey Blud, How are you today? What did you have for breakfast?

    Stressed, still earchin the realestate inspections trying to find a place but cant seem to beat the famalams (families) and Asians with millions of domahs (dollars) living one out. Big Up the Crunchy Nut Corn Frakes.

2.       What pursued you to make a shift from Science to Art?

     It was that long ago, but I think it was 2 things. First physics started to become a headfuck and I’d much rather have had a free period than sit through that, but most probably it was my first issue of Monster Children. I can’t remember the artist’s name but they had a feature on his hybrid creatures that combined like rifles and pistols with the animal bodies. It seems pretty simple when I saw it like that but the illustration was so detailed you find something new in it every time you’d look. I think from that point I started taking more interest in my art classes than I did in biology and PE.

3.       Recently you won a 4 page spread in Monster Children’s issue 32, a magazine that I remember you introducing me to a couple of years back. What did you submit and what does it all mean?

    Well I submitted an erotic series I did for a university assessment, which can be seen on, but obviously they could only choose one image, which consisted of what visually seems like an erotic sort of portrait of a friend between another’s legs. This isn’t what I intended it to mean but for the purpose of the competition I thought why not submit an erotic shot for a magazine notorious for every second web posts of theirs being a half naked chick. Conceptually, the series in a whole looks at the Freudian ideas of the oedipal and castration complexes. Basically, these deal with the bond shared between the son and mother and the irrational fear a male has when he see’s a moot for the first time. Of course, I didn’t want to just shoot a series directly representing these complexes so I took an approach to show how they’re manifested subconsciously during sexual acts. The first frame for example depicts the male figure sucking the female’s nipple as they’re naked bodies embrace. On first glance, the majority of this internet obsessed audience would think of pornography, however the supple nature of the males actions are quite similar to the first few years a son would spend suckling his mothers nipples. Although the audience doesn’t see it, this image was selected from a number as the facial expression played the most important role in the meaning of the image. This importance placed on the facial expression was carried throughout the other 2 frames. While all the comp judges saw was this bloke with his face between a chicks legs, the nervous facial expression once again attempted to draw back to his first experience with a freshly shaven vagina. Finally, the third frame depicted two figures about to take a bath together with the focus on the baby like expression of the male as he watches the female enter the bath with him. It is at this moment that the he subconsciously thinks of bath time back in the day.  

4.       What are you doing with the cash?

    Well leading up to the Exhibitions opening night, when I didn’t know if id won or not, I had this list of ideas including going to New York and redoing the West Coast, hooking up a fat Mamiya RB67 set, a 90mm Summicron lens for my Leica R3 or finish off tattooing my ribs. But as of now, not working and all I’m waiting on my next 5,000 from the DET to give me some breathing space. Looks like now I’m just gonna save it until it’s granted.
5.       What influences your art?
    I suppose the major influence behind my photography especially started back in year 10 when we were given an essay assessment to do on a ‘Modernism’ of our choice. I remember it being something ridiculous like 250 words per frame for 4 artworks, which I thought when I got it would be impossible. When the day came to hand it in everyone was handing in like 4 or 5 page essays and there I was with this 14 page mandem on Surrealism. From that point I immersed myself in this subjective approach. Today the major influence is probably Bataillan Surrealism, which takes a darker approach then this popularised image of Dali’s Dreamscapes. Bataille, although not an artist, was the theorist inspiring the likes of Boiffard and his ‘big toe’ and sado-masochistic works. Combining his theories, as described in obscure short stories in ‘Visions of Excess’, with new age erotic photography is how I tend to develop my works.

6.       Where have you travelled to?

Back in the days of fitness freak mandem I travelled to the states for running. We did a few days in LA and Mexico before we had to run our way through Arizona until we made it to Vegas. Spent a few days there pissantin about since the majority of us were only like 16. Once we’d finished up there we went back to LA and did all the touristy shit like Hollywood Boulevard and Universal Studios. Can’t say it was much of a culture shock since we were running half the time. Looking back on it, and now watching shit like Border Patrol on 7 I think what the fuck were these cunts doing taking a group of mainly white 16 year old tourists to fuckin’ Tijuana. I remember walking down the main road and seeing that every second store was a pharmacy and thinking to myself surely these guys no much older than me can be GP’s. Turns out they took us there just before they started to restrict how much pseudo-ephadrine so called pharmacies could stock. When we weren’t being suckered into them every other metre we were being hassled to take a photo with a black and white painted donkey they were trying to pass off as a zebra.

Most recently, I went on a Eurotrip which included Paris, Swiss Alps, Barcelona, Nice, Monaco, Florence, Rome, Venice, Croatian Islands, Slovenia, Austria, Prague, Berlin, Amsterdam, London and Sweden. Suppose I should’ve read the next question before I had a rant about America, anyway on we go.

7.       Favourite Country/ City and why?

    As cliché as it is coming from a future art teacher, and as much as Stina would love me to say Stockholm, I’m gonna have to go with Paris. Apart from the Nigerian mandem trying to jump me the first night as I made it back to my hostel through Paris’ equivalent of the Cross. I think it’s the stereotypical view of the French that made me enjoy it as much as I did. The stereotypes go it half right, they wont go out of their way to be arrogant but you may they’re harmless as long as you’re not in their peripherals. Knowing this and knowing what you want to see and when it’s a great place to wonder and take it all in. And what to say of the Pompidou? It’s beyond me why everyone raves about the Mona Lisa, you can hardly get to the front and they have to keep the room at a toasty fucking 30 degrees, not to mention it’s a fucking labirynth of a place so by the time you make it to the wretched prostitute you’re sweating dicks and want to leave ASAP. The Pompidou however got it spot on. They’ve got external escalators wrapped all around the outside of the building. Along with this, the 5 hours I spend on the Modernisms level were probably the most intriguing 5 hours of the entire trip. I always knew there was truth to people saying seeing an artwork in a book is nowhere as near as prolific as it is in real life. The hour is spent in front of Dali’s ‘Guillaume Tell’ personified this.

8.       As a mutual ex student, What do you think of South Sydney High School Maroubra?

    It depends on how you look at it. As a student, looking back at the time spend there I don’t know what possessed me to become a teacher. One of our favourite memories was when the tables were turned one day and a teacher went to the deputy and told him a group of boys was bullying him. However, half way through my degree all I can say is that I’d be blessed if I get offered a position there at the end of my degree.

9.   What are you studying at uni and how did you get in?

    Recently, I’ve seen a few people who I used to go to school with and they’re shocked when I tell them I’m studying to become an art teacher. Surely I wasn’t that bad of a student. Anyway, yeah I’m doing a B. of Art Education at COFA. As much as people seem to think, oh you’re aboriginal you don’t even need to study, you’ll get into uni anyway, I resent this I got in on my own accord. For like 4 weeks leading up to the HSC I spent everyday studying and came out the other end with an offer to COFA and a scholarship.

10.   Favourite art medium?
    Favourite art medium hands down analogue photography. Present company not included, every cunt nowadays thinks that going out and buying a thousand dollar camera makes them a photographer. NO, I’m afraid not, no one wants to see your fuckin sepia tone photos of sunsets and cunts at the beach. A perfect example is these fuckin postgrad cunts in my studio lighting class, with their flash million domah 5D’s asking what fucking aperture is! Who are you kidding, you’re not a fucking photographer.
Back to why film is my favourite medium. NOTHING can beat the grain of a 800+ speed film. I have this book called ‘The New Erotic Photography’, which consists of thousands of erotic images taken with both film and digital and hands down this one Marc Baptiste black and white film shot of a chick laid upside down in a bathtub, which relies on no elaborate set up or shooting again and again until you find the ‘right’, is the best image in the entire book. Big up’s if you can capture this spontaneity with a fast film and no lighting and still produce an image infinitely better than some digitalised fake grain generic piece of shit.

11.   Seeing as you changed from creating a career out of physiotherapy to studying art education what do you think when Many people, straighty one eighties especially, say that art has no future or money in it? Do you believe that?

What people need to realise that artists are no longer these bohemian lifestyle kind of people who resort to shared housing and believe that in love not war. Take 30 seconds to scroll through any of the pages in your internet history and ask yourself how many advertisements there are on them. Who do you think made these, certainly not the cunt sitting behind the L’s test counter at the RTA you bare eidyats. They don’t realise there’s infinite possibilities in art, take COFA for example, where you can tailor your schema so that you come out with a chance to become a curator, museum director, teacher, designer, web designer, sound technician, photographer.

12: Was it awkward at all taking explicit sexual photographs of a close friend?

    Most people I either asked or told about the shoot were too embarrassed to be in such a thing or found it perverted that I was asking. It’s not everyday you see a friend nude with his head between a chicks legs so it was always going to be at least a little bit awkward for all parties but I see it like any other job. If you want people to feel comfortable working with you in such a situation you have to be as professional as possible. I mean if I was standing there not shooting and trying to hide a boner, there’s no way in the world we’d have a chance of working together again, let alone anyone as word spreads.

15: Favourite drug and why?

Acid. Purely for what I can best describe as Half-Time Sean or Double-Time Sean. Having Big Shorny Wilhelm trying to talk to you and having all his words slur and slow down after which it’d speed up to twice as fast as he’d normally be talking was fucked. Don’t trust the chick, from Lismore walking around Chinee Laundree with a bottle of liquid acid she’s bad news.

16: A message to your haters?

    Let me tie up my do-rag imam start parring, I just smashed a mirror, walked under a ladder but nothing aint gowannin.

17: Dirtiest hoe in the Dirty South East?

    This old chain-smoking bird from my building that pisses in the elevator because, and I quote she hates “that damn nip janitor”.

18:  Anything else?

    Check out:

19: Lowest Suburb in the South East?

    Big Up The Eastlakes Mandem.

A Budding Hip-Hop Scene

Can you guess who it is? Dirty Deeds is back and I’m about to handle my biz.
In my typical, cynical and global viewpoint it first must be noted that Sydney’s Hip Hop scene is tiny compared to that of New York, The West Coast, or Melbourne even. I recently archived my experiences at the Enmore Theatre, Newtown..
Pushing to the front of tech n9ne, ignoring team rat from Bankstown that continued to climb the barricade like they're still partying at Lollypops fucking Playland, I begin to take in the hip hop scene surrounding me. Snapbacks, graffiti and social minorities.
Everyone knows that they are just so hood, bopping their heads with staunch expressions on their face. The preliminary DJ drops classics such as Snoop, Biggie, and DMX. The crowd raps along, but I rap the most.
Two little C’s from the Gold Coast come out with some freestyles, we requested ‘weed’ and ‘Parramatta’ be rapped about. It was probably the only time the crowd went silent to listen. Freestyling is at the heart of Hip-hop culture and represents true skill. Flow baby, it’s so hard to master.
Obie Trice (real name, no gimmicks) enters stage, Detroit city is tattooed on each forearm and he is sipping Hennessey while emitting style so mind-blowing that Kkkerser has been completely over shadowed in a matter of seconds.
Show gets rudely interrupted by team rat punching on with one another; Obie lifts Rat A onto stage and wipes the blood off her face with his towel. The beat begins again and she gabbers off stage. – It's safe to say she sucked.
Previously, we made friends with a team of Hispanic guys, talking Spanish and smoking joints. I soon discover a guy called Fabien, fat ugly and sexy.
Baseball caps, Hemp stench and beard rash all over my neck. I begin to ponder Hip-hop. Tech n9ne on stage with psycho eyes, insane flow... a true performer.
American Hip-hop is all about letting that hand linger, basing your attitude on the music and yelling the lines you remember, normally the good ones. Ethnic and social minorities encapsulated hip hop the best for me, I guess no matter where you are, if you are society’s victim, then hip hop is for you.

- Dijana